Spanish 6th grade homework (TAREA)


                                                                        SPANISH 6TH GRADE

 semana del  11 al 15 de noviembre

lunes: We will practive how to make adjectives feminin and plural and we will review agreement of adjectives and nouns in Spanish.We will play kahoot to review adjective agreement.

tarea: Actividad F-I  PP. 150-153

number song:

martes: In groups , students will translate  the paragraph on "El Bosque de Chapultepec" on pg. 154 and will answer the comprehension questions on Act J on page 155 and they will do Activity K on pg.155. Students will also practice the numbers 10-1000 song.

tarea: Translate the skit on pg. 157.

miércoles: Students will practice the skit on pg. 157 and complete the dialogue on pg. 158. After, we will review for the quiz.

tarea:  Study for L8 quiz: Vocabulary on pp. 161 and 145-147. Know adjective/noun agrrement, know  how to make adjectives feminin and plural.

jueves:  After the quiz , students will answer the question of información personal and practícalo #1 on pg. 159 in a separate sheet of paper to be collected.

tarea: Finish class work and memorize number song.

viernes:  Today students will present the number song. After we will read cápsula cultural and answer questions on pg. 160.

tarea: No homework


semana del 2 al 6 de diciembre

lunes: We will learn the conjugation and uses of "SER ". Remember the acronym : DOCTOR

D ate

O ccupation

C haracteristic

T ime

O rigin

R elation

tarea: Practice ser song for Friday and do Act. C and D pg. 183-184


semana del 7 al 10 de enero,2020


martes:  We will practice the use and conjugation of SER  and ESTAR and the present progressive.


For SER remember the acronym : DOCTOR

D ate

O ccupation

C haracteristic

T ime

O rigin

R elation

For ESTAR remember the acronym : PLACE

P osition

L ocation

A ction

C ondition

E motion

Present progressive : verb ESTAR conjugated in the present tense + present participle

  .........If we want to emphasize that an action is going on right now.

 Example:   Yo estoy hablando.               Nosotros estamos bailando .

                    Tú estás cantando.                Vosotros estáis ecribiendo.

                     Él está comiendo.                 Ellas están bebiendo.

  ..... the present participle doesn't change , it is always the same.                              


tarea:  Pg. 225 : Información personal and practícalo #1 . If you haven't finished with class activities E,F and G on pp. 218-220,they become homework as well.


tarea: No homework


tarea: Study for quiz: Know the uses of SER / ESTAR and the present progressive.


tarea: copy vocabulary pg. 244

 semana del 13 al 17 de enero,2020 


tarea: Illustrate, color ,label, and write sentences about the activities that you do every month.

          memorize songs of days of the week and months of the year by Wednesday. 

days of the week songs


months of the year song


tarea: Start studying for L 12 quiz


tarea:  Study for the quiz: L12


tarea: Complete “Información personal” and “practícalo” activities on pp. 240-241.


tarea: Finish Repaso III pg.245-252



semana del 21 al 24 de enero,2020

martes: .


Listen to el cuerpo song: (to be memorized by Friday)

Watch video about the present progressive

Write L13 vocabulary on pg. 273 on notebooks


tarea:  Finish "El monstruo" worksheet and the verb TENER expressions worksheet if not finished in class. 

             Study for Repaso III quiz


tarea: actividad E and F pages 261-263 and memorize song

el cuerpo song: 



Do activities G and H on pages 264-265.

…..for Tuesday -memorize song

cabeza, hombro,rodilla y pie song:

….. for Thursday -start studying L13 vocabulary, tener verb conjugation and expressions. Pay special attention to pages 255, 260-261,263 and 273

Also, as a review watch the video on Tener expressions and the video on present tense conjugation of tener and venir in Spanish.

Tener expressions:



semana del 27 al 31 de enero,2020


Finish activity C if not done in class.

Practice el cuerpo song : 

martes: Finish Act. G-I pg. 264- 266.

Also memorize song cabeza, hombro,rodilla y pies

song with lyrics

miércoles: Study for quiz: The body parts in Spanish, TENER verb conjugation and expressions with TENER


jueves:  Writing activity – Describe yourself 
              ¡Practícalo! #1 pg. 271


viernes: Finish " Cápsula cultural " translation and answer comprehension questions on pg. 272-273

               Be ready to discuss on Monday. I will check workbooks . Make sure you have all activities of L13 completed.


Have a good weekend!



semana del 3 al 7 de febrero ,2020


Copy vocabulary on notebooks pg. 288.


Do Activity F and G pg. 280-281

 Do Activity H pg. 282 

Finish project " El pronóstico del tiempo
Memorize dialogue pg.283

Study for L.14  quiz ¿Qué tiempo hace?

Practícalo! #1 pg. 271


semana del 10 al 14 de febrero ,2020



Activities E, F, G and H (pages 295-297)



Información personal pg. 302 and cognate connection pages 302-303.

Practícalo: Due on Monday, (group activity



Study for quiz : lesson 14 ¿Qué tiempo hace?

L14 vocabulary, know weather and other expressions with HACER as well as its conjugation.



No homework


semana del 18 al 21 de febrero , 2020



No homework



Study for quiz: L15 possesive adjectives  (Pg. 296) and house vocabulary (PP. 305,289-290). Finish handout if not finished in class.

Practícalo Pg. 303.  : Due on Friday  (group activity)


jueves: Finish house designs coloring ,labeling and writing sentences using L15 vocabulary.



Make flashcards for vocabulary on page 323. " La comida" (Spanish in one side /English meaning on the other side)


Semana del 24 al 28 de febrero, 2020

lunes: We will learn about food items for the three main meals of the day.

tarea: Flashcards of the vocabulary on pg. 323

martes: We will practice the use of the verb GUSTAR and all the forms, how to express that we like or dislike or what we like to do. (me gusta + the infinitive of a verb / or a noun). We will look at sections #2-4 on pp. 312-313.

tarea: Act F and G (Pg. 313-314)

  (gustar song)

miércoles: We will continue practicing the use of the verb GUSTAR , we will do section  #5 on pg. 315 , do activities H and I (pg. 314-315) . We will also read the converstion on Pg.319  and complete the dialogue on pg. 320. If time permits we will play quizizz.

tarea: No hay tarea

How to use the verb GUSTAR and talk about your likes and dislikes

viernes: Translate  "Una cena en el restaurante" pg. 316-317 on a separate sheet of paper and do Act. J for Monday


Semana del 2 al 6 de marzo del 2020

lunes: Answer to the questions on pg. 318

martes:Información personal" and "practícalo" on pg.321.

miércoles: Study L 16 ( food items, silverware,GUSTAR) ,L15 and L16 Cápsulas culturales


  1.  If what you like is SINGULAR ,use me gusta

                 If what you like is PLURAL ,use me gustan

  1. When you or someone doesn’t like something, place no before the indirect object pronoun (me,te,le,nos,os,les)
    No me  gustel queso.                              No le gustan el jamón y el queso.
    No te gustan los huevos fritos.                 No nos gusta estudiar.
  2. Me gusta is used when followed by the infinitive of a verb.
    Le gusta nadar.
    Me gusta bailar
    Nos gusta comer.
  3. To clarify the meaning of :  le gusta/n

                                                       les gusta/n                             

               Use: A + personal pronoun (él, ella, Ud. ellos, ellas, Uds.), noun or name

                Ex: A ellos les gusta mirar la televisión.                                A Juan le gusta la playa.

                       A usted no le gusta trabajar.                                            A los perros no les gustan los gatos.

                      ¿A ella le gustan las manzanas?


                               (A mí)                                                              me                               gusta(n)

                              (A ti)                                                                 te                                 gusta(n)

                              (A él/ella/usted)                                            le                                  gusta(n)

                              (A nosotros/-as)                                             nos                              gusta(n)

                              (A vosotros/-as)                                              os                                gusta(n)

                              (A ellos/-as/ustedes)                                     les                                gusta(n)


jueves: After the quiz , students will start REPASO IV (L.13-16) activities

viernes: Finish Repaso IV activities


Semana del 9 al 11 de marzo del 2020


Finish flashcards of L17 vocabulary on pg. 350.

Test of Unit L13-16 grammar concepts will be Thursday after Spring Break.


Finish translation and Act. C based on the story (pg. 339-341)


Act. D-f (pp. 342-344)


March 29th,2020

Dear Pine View families,

I hope that your family is doing well and that everyone has been able to enjoy and stay safe during our extended absence from school. In an effort to provide an enhanced level of stability for our students during this unprecedented school closure, our district has developed an Instructional Continuity for Academic Needs Plan to help ensure that our students are provided with multiple learning opportunities until we can return to school.

Beginning April 1rst, I will post our weekly lesson plan on this website and on blackboard with activities for the week. These activities may include online learning opportunities through FLVS, seesaw, gimkit, quizalize, quizziz, quizlet etc. It is my hope that you find these opportunities beneficial to continue your learning over the next few weeks.

During each week, I will contact each of you for support, guidance, and personalized instruction as needed. If you need to reach me please do so via google voice phone at (305)692-0979 or email: . My office hours are Monday -Friday   9 -12 am.

 I will also be monitoring your progress online and reviewing this during our weekly contacts.

I know that this is a new and unknown method of learning for all of us but know that we are engaging in this new opportunity with an abundance of compassion and grace. I am excited to support you in these learning opportunities and in this new delivery method, and please do not hesitate to contact me at if you have any questions.

I am excited to connect with you soon!


Mrs. Greig


lunes , 30 de marzo del 2020


I hope you all are doing well and thank you for cooperating in this transition to remote learning.

Please know that I sent an email today to your email address on MySCS, and I also sent an email on Saturday to yourself and your legal guardian on file with Gradebook at Pine View. However, please be aware that I can't change the email that is listed on Gradebook as some of you have asked me to do. You should be using your Sarasota county school e-mail .

Please complete the Online Survey by April 1rst.


Instructions for self-enrolling to Spanish 6th on Blackboard classroom

Go to BB

Class Search – Greig Spanish Intermediate P7

Click GO

Click on small gray circle

Click on enroll

Click submit

It should say "Success" and you can see the course now in BB under MY CLASSES

I look forward to hearing from you soon!

2 al 9 de abril


In this unit you will learn common prepositions in Spanish and you will be able to tell where things are located.

Please upload activities A -F (pg. 336 - 344) , Información personal"  (pg 359) and the Espinola Family picture by next Thursday April 9th, 2020.

Take a screen shot of the completed activities and send to me  by e-mail.

Here are a few links to practice the prepositions:

Prepositions of place:

More prepositions...


lunes 6 de abril, 2020

Dear students,
After hearing the news and also due to conflicting zoom meetings schedules, I have decided not to host any meetings until further notice.
I will be posting assignments on Blackboard . I am available through Google voice and e-mail.

You can also start using Duolingo for practice .

If you are on a computer, please go here:

Stay safe,
Mrs. Greig